So encouraging!!

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Glad you enjoyed it!

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Would love to hear everyone’s goals!

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My goal for the coming day

would make most of my mentors frown,

but I'll share it anyway;

it's to be here when the sun goes down.

Just living, now, is kinda rough,

and I for sure don't get to thrive,

and you gotta be real tough

in these here parts, just to survive,

so I don't plan to see my name

in lights, nor my books on the shelves,

and I have learned the only fame

we really need is in ourselves,

gained from not choosing retreat

from a foe that can't be beat.

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One of my goals has been to read the entire Bible - am now in the New Testament - Yay! I'd love to start memorizing scriptures but am at a loss as to the best way to do this at the moment. Love your article!

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Love that goal! Glad you enjoyed it. I know there are some helpful apps out that, but I've found accountability to help me the most with memory work. Press on! (:

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I love how practical this list is! This is really helpful as I reflect on my New Year’s resolutions.

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So glad that you found it helpful!

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Appreciated this! So helpful when we're setting goals and prioritizing our pursuit of the gospel

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Glad you enjoyed it!

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